Friday, March 29, 2013

Who IS that?

This morning I was awake at 3:30 am for a little while and read a story about a 14 year old girl with a terrible cancer and her bucket list consisted of five items, one of which was related to meeting her favorite band.  The band members heard about her story through their Facebook fans and, in true 'awesome human' fashion, one bandmate reached out to her via social media and told her that his mind wouldn't let him stop thinking about her and her struggle and... WAIT... what?  'His mind wouldn't let him'?!?  I found this to be such a revealing statement and was instantly fascinated by what it meant to me. 

I identify 'my mind' and 'my body' as separate from eachother and, surely, they are also separate from the part of 'me' that writes this, right?   I mean, 'I/me' am the one referring to 'my mind' as separate, just like I refer to 'my body', 'my thoughts, 'my emotions'... all this at 3:30 a.m.

In my head plays audio of my youth:
R. Kelly singing "My miiiind's tellin me nooooo, but my body, my body's tellin me yes"; Method Man's rough, deep "I got my mind made up, come on".
Examples are everywhere.  Are enough people paying attention?  Who is the 'person' that R. Kelly's mind is telling anything to?  What is R. Kelly saying about himself beyond his obvious physical desire?  Who or what within him is observing the struggle between his mind and his body?  It is consciousness.

What is that 'voice' that has guided us through life - even way back when we were a child?  This 'voice', or 'knowing', generated an instinct, or emotion, in our bodies that guided us out of trouble or danger IF we listened to it.  Did that voice ever sound like a child to you, even when you were a child?  Mine didn't. It was more like the older 'I', even back then, and is the same exact 'voice' that still 'speaks' to me today.  The timeless, most wise 'I'. 
If we pay attention, examples of the smaller parts that make up the whole of 'I' are everywhere.  Humans have been and are still speaking about these smaller parts of the 'I' within us all the time in self-reference and may not be aware of the hugely revealing reality of that. 

I will never forget the very first occurrence of 'I' recognizing the existence of 'my body' and 'my mind' as separate and the moment 'my mind' simultaneously realized that something else separate from it was observing. My mind wondered "who IS that?" and, at that precise moment, my life changed forever. 

My truths:
It is ok to love yourself.  Love of oneself is love of all beings and love of all beings is love of oneself.  Love of oneself is everything and lends itself to true and pure love of all beings; love of all beings facilitates all the wonderful subsets of emotions that come from the love vibration. 

It is ok to desire abundance and, more importantly, there is absolutely nothing wrong with feeling that YOU DESERVE every bit of this abundance you want and need in your life.  This includes an abundance of loving relationships, friendships, children, healthy food and excellent health, and finances to travel and see the beauties of the world if that is what you choose.  After all, we are living as god in the physical and we are creators.  Nice to meet me as you :)

We ARE our souls; our physical bodies, our hearts, and our feelings are not the 'I' that is; rather, they are smaller parts of the whole 'I'.  We are everything and we are connected to everything.  We originate from Source and we are Source. 

We are the healers and we are the teachers; we are the sick and we are the students; we are the sand and we are the stars; we are the ocean and we are the universe.

Waking up is like finally understanding the symphony.  You weren't aware of the complexity of the notes and the relation their vibrations have to the energy inside living beings, and how or why these notes dance together and compliment one another so beautifully and so perfectly.

Waking up is like fully understanding the garden and the fruits and vegetables within it, and how and why they grow; how they recycle themselves within our bodies in the form of energy and how that energy relates back to everything.  How that energy IS everything.

Waking up is BEING the music; BEING the garden.

Amazingly fascinating.


© 2013 Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Classroom of the Conscious Minds

After a conversation of epic proportions with a good friend during which we traded thoughts about life, love and the pursuit of all things joyous, I understand that I have received a gift.  This gift is one of rejuvination; a welcomed sense of newness. Much like a bouquet of refreshing affirmations; each one's petals rich with the aroma of gratitude and appreciation, I am thankful and grateful for this and other experiences from which I have realized much and lost nothing, except discarded beliefs... one at a time. 

This experience has been comparable to lying in the grass while looking up at the clear night sky and, as you ponder timeless questions about life and truth, a magical hand reaffirms your thoughts by writing them... connecting the dots with the chalk-white stars on the blackboard of the universe.

It made me think about how connected we are with the place from which we come; the Universe, or 'God's brain'.  We are a creation of the Intelligent Mind and it was that image in which we were created.  This is not in reference to the god that is continuously personified ('Him'; 'He'), but god as The Architect of the Universe; the Intelligent Mind; the Infinite Being; The Creator. Not the jealous and vengeful god personified, but the Source of infinite love; not human flaws.

We all hear the message, but not all will listen. Those who do listen will truly understand what it is to be 'created in god's image'; what Jesus meant when he referred to his head as his temple. These things have nothing to do with any religion and everything to do with the universe in which our spirits live timeless existences, timeless amounts of times, and to which the conscious minds of the world are drawn.

This is what my chalkboard is telling me.

Time to start taking notes. 


© 2013 Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.