Monday, April 1, 2013

Come Walk with Me - Part I

Today's post is Part I in a series about humans and how and why we work.  Like, the parts of us that we may not learn anything about in school or maybe hadn't even been introduced to... maybe even up until now.  My truth is that this information has found it's way into my experience and I am completely amazed.  So amazed that I often wonder about the 'what if's'... 

...what if I had known all this about myself and other humans at an earlier age.  What if all this knowledge about ourselves hadn't been killed by a left-brained education system, or trampled on by adults telling us at such an impressionable age to BE or act a certain way, think and feel a particular way.  How many times has someone told you "You can't" or "You're not" or "You will never" and how quickly did you adopt those beliefs as your own and begin telling yourself the same?  How much further along in this journey would we all be if we had not been hindered by the oppression of the mind that was unknowingly passed down that, ultimately, blocked truth.  The most powerful truth: You CAN; You ARE powerful; You ARE a creator.  The human part of me can't help but wonder about all of these things; meanwhile, the 'I' within me is telling 'my self" that it doesn't matter, you know now, welcome home. 

We know much about ourselves and others, but there is SO MUCH MORE to us that we may or may not not be aware of.  Today I am going to write about vibrations, toroidal flows and emotions.  Tomorrow's Part II will be about vibrations and sound, matter and energy.  It sounds very science-y, but I hope the way I process this stuff in my brain to where it makes simple sense to me comes across in how I explain, or relate it, to you.  Once I no longer viewed this information like a foreign language, I was able to recognize the examples in my own life.  I became more aware.  That's when my life experience shifted to yet another path. This is the path I am currently on.  Come walk with me.

There is a part of you that exists physically and there is a part of you that, perhaps according to your eyes, doesn't exist at all.  It’s the non-physical 'You'.  Touch your body.  Go ahead.  Anywhere on your body.  Now touch your mind.  Not your head and not your temple. Your mind.  You can’t touch it, but you know it exists because all the while you’re trying to figure out how to touch it, you’re telling yourself “but I’m right heeeerre!!”  You still can’t touch it, can you?   

Try and touch your emotions.  You know they exist because you ‘feel’ them and they are connected to things you physically do.  Examples of this are feeling sad and then crying; wanting a life partner and then going out in the world and finding one; or being in love vibration and then sending someone flowers.  All these things are the physical manifestations of the emotions we can feel but not touch. 

These emotions we can’t see in their pure, ethereal form are the responses of vibrations our bodies receive, which we also can’t see.  These vibrations are emitted from every living being around us.  Our bodies are 70% water and, once we receive these vibrations, they are sent out like a ripple effect into our bodies and translated into feelings, or emotion.  These emotions become real to us once we “do” something/manifest them into our reality.

Where do these vibrations come from? 

Let’s examine something called a toroidal flow.  The earth’s magnetic field is a really powerful example of this.  The earth’s toroidal flow originates at the earth’s core, which is where the earth’s magnetic forces originate as well, and then flows upward and outward to carry that magnetic field up and out into the universe, and then back into itself.  Try to visualize magnetism leaving the earth through the North Pole, and entering back into the earth via the South Pole.

The earth’s magnetic field is used by birds to navigate.  This is interesting because the torodial flow isn’t detectable on the surface of the earth, but that same flow carries the magnetism that is at the earth’s core up through the earth’s surface and out into the atmosphere where birds access it.  It even travels beyond our atmosphere into the universe to protect us from radioactive solar rays.  We can't see this happen with our eyes, much like we know our emotions exist even though we can't see them. 

One of the most amazing toroidal flows present in humans is our hearts.  Yes, toroidal flows are also found in our hearts…. AS ABOVE, SO BELOW!  All of the energy that emerges from the core travels around the torus and fuels itself.  So that torus, or toroidal flow, that sends magnetism from the earth’s core up and out is the same toroidal flow that sends love vibration up and out of our hearts and into that ‘empty space’ around us and that vibration will be picked up by others and translated into the love emotion… and sent back out and picked up by someone else and… When Bob Marley said that what we need is love, sweet love he was right absolutely.

I ask you again, touch your emotions.  The next time you go to sleep, lay chest to chest with your partner or your child or anyone else you are 'in love vibration’ with.  Hold them close to you.  The connection is undeniable.  You are CONNECTED.  To feel their heart beat and receive that loving energy from them is amazing.  You are feeling love from the inside and holding it on the outside. 

That is how you touch emotion.


© 2013 Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot.
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