Sunday, April 14, 2013

Come Walk With Me... The Experience

Shooting straight up into the sky should seem so weird; scary even, especially since I am looking at the ground below, past where my feet would be if my body were with me, as I soar straight up through the clouds and into darkness.  The only lights blink their eyes from the ground below while I examine the clouds as I speed through them.  These cloudforms are a paradox; simultaneously opaque and transluscent; white and gray.  I am safe and at complete peace.  I remember this same feeling from the times before this one, and I sink into the warmth of the familiar knowing.

I pay attention to my thoughts; I am aware that doing this allows me to go a little further each time.  I acknowledge that these experiences always start the same: watching the lights disappear, slicing through clouds, watching the earth become a blue dot, then nothing.  I understand that the lucid dreams I've had since I was a child have prepared me for this and I recall each one with great detail and note the clarity and difference in awareness between the two. In lucid dreams I would do things like fly and fight battles I always won. I would breathe under water while my fingers traced the bottom as I swam along, first, the floor of a pool and, then, after some time, the floor of the ocean. With each crashing wave I would remind myself I could breathe under water, because this is a dreamscape, so I did.  I could have these dreams and change these dreamscapes any time I wanted to, and I did.  


...but I know that this is different because, here, I have no hands and there is no water.  Thinking the scenery different does not apply here because I can't change what I am.  In this experience, far beyond an unconscious dream, way past lucidity and into full blown consciousness, I continue to shoot straight up into the Universe, absent of my body.  Everything is connected.   

Accompanied only by thought and awareness, I continue on for some time unknown.  In this state of being, I am observing question and answer play a back-and-forth game with thought.  I am acutely aware of everything.  Everything is connected. 

I am still moving in what would seem like an upward direction if I were awake in my physical body; however, I am awake outside of it.  What seems like 'up' is where I go as I watch all I know dissapear through feet I do not have.  The absence of the body equals the absence of its senses and I am experiencing the absence of both in this 'now'.  I continue on for some time unknown.
This awareness; this understanding that, here and now, the absence of my body applies and time and space do not and, right here in this state of being - right now - that 'voice' does not exist in my mind.  I am the voice.  In this state of being, this understanding is no big revelation.  I am calm and I understand.  Everything is connected.  I continue on for some time unknown. 

I become aware that the 'air' I am traveling through is neither hot nor cold and I acknowledge that I will ponder this when I'm back in the physical, but I begin to think about it right then; as soon as I think about not thinking about it.  This may not even be air at all; this slight resistance against the top of my shoulders is neither hot nor cold; it is just there

The answer comes in the form of the understanding that what I am perceiving as a physical feeling of resistance is an illusion; there are no shoulders.   The conscious energy of the Universe is what I am connected to; the perceived resistance is an awareness of self.  Everything is connected. 

I am a part of this energy and I am moving with it and through it simultaneously.  I continue on for more time unknown. 
In past experiences here I have perceived fractals of broken light expressed as colors I have never seen with my physical eyes while physically awake.  I have moved in a direction that seemed to be backwards; zoomed past a planet that reminded me of an alternate version of a color I have never even imagined.  I have pierced clouds to catapult straight up into nothing and everything for an amount of time unknown, but I have not experienced sound.  I begin to wonder what it sounds like here.

I become aware that I am no longer going in what seems like the 'up' direction; I am no longer in motion, but suspended in the conscious energy fabric of the Universe, waiting for the visual answer to the silent question about sound.  I see that the stars are also suspended in this cosmic fabric, much like fruit held in place inside an infinite bowl of invisible jello.  I am keenly aware that I need to Pay Attention!; more attention than I have paid to anything ever.

Sound.  I experience what feels like hearing.  This sound touches every corner of the universe and vibrates everything in it.  Everything is connected.  This sound is accompanied by beams of light broken into small pieces that pass through on their way to deliver color to the great expanse.  This vibrant and rich, colorful sound is everywhere and is everything.  Responding to the escalating frequency of each tone and going through an ordered scale, the stars begin to vibrate into place.    They dance to life like pearls jumping off of a loud speaker; plucking themselves from their former place and becoming other-dimensional shapes - more than most of which I have never seen before and each of which corresponds to a color and a set of numbers.
The sounds change and the shape grows.  Pay Attention!  Each tone speaks to the stars, which dance into a corresponding shape.  Pay Attention!  Each sound has a geometric shape; each geometric shape has a color and each color has a number.  Pay Attention! 
This cycle continues for some time unknown and I listen to and watch the chalkboard of the Universe tell it's secrets.  I begin to understandEverything is connected.

The conscious energy of the Universe is teaching me what I forgot I knew.   I thought I had remembered everything, but I forgot to understand.  I acknowledge the awareness of self; that everything is connected.  I know I will wake up in the physical soon and that I must remember these things; remember what I know, and and as soon as that thought presents itself...


I am conscious in my body; in my bed, as if I never slept.  As if I walked through the front door of my house, from outside to inside, without a break in consciousness.  I was conscioiusness only, absent of my body and walked back through the door; back into my physical, without a break in consciousness.  This is a new occurrence; my first time for this.

I turn to wake my husband, as I am the teller of my travel secrets to him only, at first. He understands that these are not dreams, as he has listened to them evolve for several years.  I immediately get on the internet and, from there, began to learn about who and what we are.  Beyond any religion, beyond every perception, past everything.  We are amazing and we don't realize it.  We need to real-ize it.

I am thankful for the awareness and understanding of past misunderstandings and recognize my judgments and ignorance in each.  I see several once disagreeable human beings as same as myself; same as 'I' .  Connected to the same fabric of everything.  I forgive myself and I forgive others and journey away from guilt, anger and fear and in the direction of the love vibration.  I contact people to make ammends; to reconnect.  I forgive and am forgiven.  I love and am loved.  Pay attention, everything is connected. 

I am left with vibrant physical energy for many days and deep mental stimulation.  I have my body back temporarily - hands, feet and all - and I know that, eventually, I will be that place again; that place from which we all come.  I understand that our physical will go back to the physical earth, Spirit will go back to Spirit.  Ashes to ashes, stardust to stardust.

These experiences have shaped my truths.  When the mind experiences something that the body does not, is it not just as real, for the physical body without the mind is just a body.  We don't cease to exist when we leave our physical bodies behind, whether temporarily while we 'sleep' or permanently when we pass on; rather, it is only our physical bodies that cease to exist in the absence of consiousness; in the absence of Spirit.

All consciousness goes back to that from which it came and to which everything is connected.

Come walk with me.  This experience is why I decided to write this blog.  To share what I experienced; what happened to me... what I saw and how it relates to who and what we are.  We were created in the image of our Creator.  The 'fingerprint of god' is in the miracle of our DNA and the potential within us.  This is how we were made; but we only use 10% of our brains and only 20 out of 60, or one-third, of available DNA codes.  It's time to WAKE UP and PAY ATTENTION. 

"Know thyself."



© 2013 Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Come Walk with Me... Off the Beaten Path

This road looks familiar.  I know that I have been here before.  This is the same road and I know this because my feet feel at home; like this path is my shoe.  I smell the perfume of my mother and I know that she has been here also; walking, searching, observing, learning.  Even though she no longer comes this way, she showed me where this path lies and encouraged me to visit often; to feel good about what I found here, no matter what that may be.  For that, and for her, I am thankful.

She showed me this way when I was a child; she told me about the beauty of this other path and that, even though others may say that I'd never find it, or it didn't exist, I would always be able to find it if I wanted to.  If I looked inside, I would find the way.
Come walk with me...

On my path there is laughter and other sounds of love; beams of light broken off into fragments of color that lay, like a blanket, across the sky; sounds of flowers growing and water splashing with life; sounds of life happening right now.  The absence of anything that could take away from the now is not even noticed. 
There are others present in their very own version of now, walking along parallel paths that I can't see from my own.  I know they are there because I can hear their joy; feel their vibrations.  This beauty and love of life is abundant and I've created it all because, you see, this is my path.  I have not told you what is not in this path because, on the path of 'now', what is not present does not exist and wins the favor of no thoughts or energy.  Things like time passing; things ending.

The fragrance of love is strong here.  It permeates and envelopes.  I love the way it feels; love knows no judgment nor discrimination and; therefore, even loves itself.  I am aware of this and I wrap myself in this knowing; that I too, like love, love myself.  Basking in this feeling, like a puppy in a spot of sun on the floor, I begin to think; to lose myself in thoughts of other moments similar to this and then, not aware of my thoughts and steps in the now, I trip over the past.  I begin to depart from the now.

Following memory's trail, I lose my way from this path of 'now'.  Now becomes then and I lose myself in uncontrolled thought.  Rather than being 'here, 'now', I am visiting a time that is relevant no more.  Worries that have long passed; things that have long-ago ended.  Doubts born from fear that have manifested as life lessons that will take three life cycles to learn... I digress.  In this pattern of thinking; the fear of success or abundance; feeling unworthy; I fall off my path...

... like falling from the sky in a lucid dream, I fall from my beautiful path down to the pavement of lower vibrations; judgments, doubts and fears.  This is the dark road where worry lives.  Where Anger, Misunderstanding and Anxiety make furious love to their partners, whose names are 'I can't' and 'You aren't'.

Whenever I walk this road I understand what darkness is.  No flowers grow and no water runs.  There are no smells and there is no laughter.  Nothing is growing but fears and the sounds of angry love, judgments and accusations.  False friendships, torn pictures and broken hearts litter the way. 

So I sit in quiet peace and and reconnect with my path; this is a conscious choice that I make.  The fog begins to clear and out of the rain clouds comes the shine of the sun; it's rays carrying the warmth and the fragrance of that place.  I am aware of what I had forgotten; that no matter where I may go to learn the other things I need to learn, I can always get back home if I follow the beauty; I will always hear the laughter if I'm quiet enough to listen to the now.

Whenever I leave, my path awaits my return... the path on which my soul's soles have walked before.  The path to which the conscious minds of the world are drawn.

Come walk with me.

Now is where life lives. The warmth of words spoken from lips that love; the breath of a baby; a hug that heals. Friends and lovers; abundance and joy.  Appreciate that, right now, you are alive.  Right now, you are love and you are loved.  Right now, you ARE.  BE there with me.  Nothing ends.  Everything is connected.  Pay Attention.


© 2013 Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Come Walk with Me - Part III

Truth: That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality; the quality or state of being true.
Belief: Acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists; something one accepts as true or real.
Appearance:  An impression given by someone or something, although this may be misleading.
Illusion:  A false idea or belief; a deceptive appearance or perception.
Perception: The ability to see, hear or become aware of something through the senses; the state of being aware or becoming aware of something in such a way.
Reality:  The world or state of things as they actually exist.

What would you say if someone told you that the world around you is not solid; that nothing in it is quite as it seems.  Would you look at that person the way the people of Pythagorus' day looked at him when he spoke of the world as being round?  What would you think or say if you learned that the appearance of solidity is just an illusion caused by the inability of our human eyes to register the frequency of the vibrations of the matter we are looking at.  This includes walls, the floor, food and people.  Everything. 

Broken down to the lowest common denominator, we are merely vibrating atoms that are perceived as being in a solid state; much like a film projector buzzes with energy to play a movie of still frames that are being recalled at such a high speed that your eyes encounter the perception of continuous movement; of fluidity. Yet, this is but an illusion.

Human beings are made up of matter. Matter exists in many different states and each state is made of the same thing: tiny vibrating particles called atoms. The nucleus of an atom consists of even tinier particles of light and sound vibration called quarks.  The mostly empty space around the nucleus of the atom contains negatively charged, orbiting particles called electrons.  We refer to these tiny, invisible particles of the whole atom as subatomic. 

The atom fluctuates between two states of being: a solid particle and a wave length.  Put any illusions and perceptions aside, and try to understand the reality of what this truly means. An atom is dual-natured and can exist as solid, or physical; and as wave length, or vibrational. We are made of atoms that have both physical, or vibrational; and ethereal, or light components. We, as human beings, have both physical and ethereal components. This makes sense when we remember that, while we have a physical body that we can touch, there are parts of us that exist and can not be touched.

The Law of Vibration states that everything in the Universe vibrates at one speed, or frequency, or another. Everything. You, me, your dog and my dogs too.  When we investigate matter at the subatomic level we find pure energy. This energy is what we house within our bodies in our chakras, or energy centers; this same energy comes from Source and is what we connect to and pull into our toroidal energy center flow during meditation.  Our visual perception of this vibratory frequency tells us we are solid when, really, we are just small fractals of energy in the energy matrix to which all living things are connected.

Because you can not walk through a wall does not mean that the wall is solid.  It means that the negative charge of the electrons in the atoms of you and the negative charge of the electrons in the atoms of the wall are repelling eachother.  You and the wall are vibrating on different frequencies within the same conscious energy matrix.  You and your dog are vibrating on different frequencies within the same conscious energy matrix. 

The illusion that we are separate from others is just a way of thinking, or a belief but, if you understand that everything is energy; if you consider a new way of thinking about the world around you, you will begin to see that you are connected to the fabric of the Universe by the sea of energy we constntly give and receive. You are the energy of the Universe and that energy and connection to Source recognizes itself in others.  This energy is constantly vibrating; constantly accessing different frequencies and sending and receiving signals.

If someone told you these things would you think that person is crazy?  Perhaps delusional?  If you allowed yourself permission to ponder the once unthinkable, would your belief system be shattered?  If this new thinking resulted in your former belief system no longer winning the favor of your thoughts would you accept that reality, indeed, may not be as it appears. 

Sometimes we choose to be oblivious because it is much easier than finding and facing truth. Sometimes facing the truth is harder than believing the illusion.   Do not be offended by those whose truths are different; rather, understand that their perspectives, or experiences, have been different.  We do not need to defend our truths; no one can take them from us and our defense of them doesn't make them any more true.  Your amazing discoveries exist because you have chosen to discover outside the realm of what you have been taught to believe.
Understand the reality of who and what you are.  You can choose to believe, or not, the history books, reality tv and news media, the government, your priest or preacher, teachers and naysayers alike.  Information from all sources will come to you as part of your human experience in this world and the human contact you experience therein.  This information is necessary and can be a great teacher, and eventually marks the beginning of the questioning that starts your journey for your truth; what's real to you.   

Do not fear  information that is different from that which you have been taught to believe.  Instead, be the sifter of that information.  Keep what helps you vibrate higher and release that which does not serve you. Ask questions.  Chose to view and understand from different perspectives.  Look at the world and the people around you with love and understanding.  Really SEE; be AWARE of the reality of your existence.  Expand your awareness and do not be the blind believers of the things others want you to think.

“If you have a golf ball size Consciousness, when you read a book you will have a golf ball size Understanding; when you look out into the world, a golf ball size awareness; and when you wake up in the morning, a golf ball size Wakefulness.
But if you could EXPAND that Consciousness, when you read a book, MORE Understanding; when you look out, MORE Awareness; and when you wake up, MORE Wakefulness.
And there is an Ocean of Pure Vibrant Consciousness Inside Each One Of Us.”

~ David Lynch
~ Namaste.

© 2013 Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Come Walk with Me - Part II

"...sometimes I need to be alone.  Please don't kill my vibe, please don't kill my vibe. 
I can feel your energy from two planets away..."
~ Kendrick Lamar

"Live if you want to live (Rastaman vibration, yeah! Positive!)
That's what we got to give (I and I vibrations, yeah! Positive!)
Gotta have a good vibe (Iyaman irations, yeah! Positive!)
Wo-wo-oh! (Positive vibration, yeah! Positive!)
~Bob Marley & The Wailers

Music is the poetry of the soul.  When music makes us feel good, these vibrations we call emotions can manifest in the physical as singing and dancing and, when music makes us feel sad, we may cry or revisit past memories that are, in our minds, connected to the melodies in our ears. 

Words and sound have framed our existence with the memories they are connected to... birds singing their spring song; the sweet and gentle coos of a newly born baby; your loved one's voice; thunder and rain on a summer evening; your favorite song....

Words and sound vibrations are how we communicate, and even people who are unable to hear are able to feel vibrations.  Our words can paint pictures in the minds of listeners; our bodies are instruments playing the musical vibrations of our innermost thoughts and feelings.  We laugh; we cry; we make love sounds; we yell. 

Sound comes from movement.  The first movement in the universe was spoken word vibration and that word was 'god'.  We know that light came next.  Thought... movement... energy... vibration... sound... light. 

Kinetic energy is the energy that motion, or movement, creates.  Vibration is kinetic energy. Sound is a type of energy made by vibration and, when these vibrations are transmitted to the brain by the ear, we perceive them as sound.  When these vibrations are transmitted to the brain by the eye, we perceive them as light. Whether these vibrations reach our ears or our eyes depends on the their wavelength and frequency.

The following image shows vibrations, with each vibration's frequency being measured in hertz, or Hz.  Notice the last vibration and the fact that there are multiple frequencies present.  Doesn't this look like a pulse?  The higher the frequency, the higher the vibration and more complex the pattern, or wavelength.

This made my head spin!  My immediate thought was "did life begin with a series of movements that created sound energy - or multiple frequencies; harmonies; MUSIC! - which, in turn, created a pulse and, as these multiple frequencies became higher and higher, they vibrated so quickly and ferociously that there was then a spark of lightLIFE?".

The stuff we are made of is matter. The same stuff of which the planets, stars and everything else in the Universe is made.  Matter is made of atoms and atoms are made of tiny particles called protons, neutrons and electrons which are, in turn, made of even tinier particles called quarks. Quarks are made of even tinier particles of ... wait for it... light and sound vibration!  Inanimate objects are made of matter as well, and everything vibrates; however, a fundamental difference between the two is consciousness.

We were created in the image of an incredibly Intelligent Mind. In one's perception, the word 'image' might translate to 'looks like' or being 'a copy of'; however, in another person's perception, defining the word 'image' could include the use of words like 'imagine' or 'imagination', which speak about functions of the mind and therein lies the truth: we are extremely powerful creators made in the image of the Intelligent Mind and all we need to do is
to think
and feel
like it. 

We need to vibrate higher.


© 2013 Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Come Walk with Me - Part I

Today's post is Part I in a series about humans and how and why we work.  Like, the parts of us that we may not learn anything about in school or maybe hadn't even been introduced to... maybe even up until now.  My truth is that this information has found it's way into my experience and I am completely amazed.  So amazed that I often wonder about the 'what if's'... 

...what if I had known all this about myself and other humans at an earlier age.  What if all this knowledge about ourselves hadn't been killed by a left-brained education system, or trampled on by adults telling us at such an impressionable age to BE or act a certain way, think and feel a particular way.  How many times has someone told you "You can't" or "You're not" or "You will never" and how quickly did you adopt those beliefs as your own and begin telling yourself the same?  How much further along in this journey would we all be if we had not been hindered by the oppression of the mind that was unknowingly passed down that, ultimately, blocked truth.  The most powerful truth: You CAN; You ARE powerful; You ARE a creator.  The human part of me can't help but wonder about all of these things; meanwhile, the 'I' within me is telling 'my self" that it doesn't matter, you know now, welcome home. 

We know much about ourselves and others, but there is SO MUCH MORE to us that we may or may not not be aware of.  Today I am going to write about vibrations, toroidal flows and emotions.  Tomorrow's Part II will be about vibrations and sound, matter and energy.  It sounds very science-y, but I hope the way I process this stuff in my brain to where it makes simple sense to me comes across in how I explain, or relate it, to you.  Once I no longer viewed this information like a foreign language, I was able to recognize the examples in my own life.  I became more aware.  That's when my life experience shifted to yet another path. This is the path I am currently on.  Come walk with me.

There is a part of you that exists physically and there is a part of you that, perhaps according to your eyes, doesn't exist at all.  It’s the non-physical 'You'.  Touch your body.  Go ahead.  Anywhere on your body.  Now touch your mind.  Not your head and not your temple. Your mind.  You can’t touch it, but you know it exists because all the while you’re trying to figure out how to touch it, you’re telling yourself “but I’m right heeeerre!!”  You still can’t touch it, can you?   

Try and touch your emotions.  You know they exist because you ‘feel’ them and they are connected to things you physically do.  Examples of this are feeling sad and then crying; wanting a life partner and then going out in the world and finding one; or being in love vibration and then sending someone flowers.  All these things are the physical manifestations of the emotions we can feel but not touch. 

These emotions we can’t see in their pure, ethereal form are the responses of vibrations our bodies receive, which we also can’t see.  These vibrations are emitted from every living being around us.  Our bodies are 70% water and, once we receive these vibrations, they are sent out like a ripple effect into our bodies and translated into feelings, or emotion.  These emotions become real to us once we “do” something/manifest them into our reality.

Where do these vibrations come from? 

Let’s examine something called a toroidal flow.  The earth’s magnetic field is a really powerful example of this.  The earth’s toroidal flow originates at the earth’s core, which is where the earth’s magnetic forces originate as well, and then flows upward and outward to carry that magnetic field up and out into the universe, and then back into itself.  Try to visualize magnetism leaving the earth through the North Pole, and entering back into the earth via the South Pole.

The earth’s magnetic field is used by birds to navigate.  This is interesting because the torodial flow isn’t detectable on the surface of the earth, but that same flow carries the magnetism that is at the earth’s core up through the earth’s surface and out into the atmosphere where birds access it.  It even travels beyond our atmosphere into the universe to protect us from radioactive solar rays.  We can't see this happen with our eyes, much like we know our emotions exist even though we can't see them. 

One of the most amazing toroidal flows present in humans is our hearts.  Yes, toroidal flows are also found in our hearts…. AS ABOVE, SO BELOW!  All of the energy that emerges from the core travels around the torus and fuels itself.  So that torus, or toroidal flow, that sends magnetism from the earth’s core up and out is the same toroidal flow that sends love vibration up and out of our hearts and into that ‘empty space’ around us and that vibration will be picked up by others and translated into the love emotion… and sent back out and picked up by someone else and… When Bob Marley said that what we need is love, sweet love he was right absolutely.

I ask you again, touch your emotions.  The next time you go to sleep, lay chest to chest with your partner or your child or anyone else you are 'in love vibration’ with.  Hold them close to you.  The connection is undeniable.  You are CONNECTED.  To feel their heart beat and receive that loving energy from them is amazing.  You are feeling love from the inside and holding it on the outside. 

That is how you touch emotion.


© 2013 Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.