Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Come Walk with Me... Off the Beaten Path

This road looks familiar.  I know that I have been here before.  This is the same road and I know this because my feet feel at home; like this path is my shoe.  I smell the perfume of my mother and I know that she has been here also; walking, searching, observing, learning.  Even though she no longer comes this way, she showed me where this path lies and encouraged me to visit often; to feel good about what I found here, no matter what that may be.  For that, and for her, I am thankful.

She showed me this way when I was a child; she told me about the beauty of this other path and that, even though others may say that I'd never find it, or it didn't exist, I would always be able to find it if I wanted to.  If I looked inside, I would find the way.
Come walk with me...

On my path there is laughter and other sounds of love; beams of light broken off into fragments of color that lay, like a blanket, across the sky; sounds of flowers growing and water splashing with life; sounds of life happening right now.  The absence of anything that could take away from the now is not even noticed. 
There are others present in their very own version of now, walking along parallel paths that I can't see from my own.  I know they are there because I can hear their joy; feel their vibrations.  This beauty and love of life is abundant and I've created it all because, you see, this is my path.  I have not told you what is not in this path because, on the path of 'now', what is not present does not exist and wins the favor of no thoughts or energy.  Things like time passing; things ending.

The fragrance of love is strong here.  It permeates and envelopes.  I love the way it feels; love knows no judgment nor discrimination and; therefore, even loves itself.  I am aware of this and I wrap myself in this knowing; that I too, like love, love myself.  Basking in this feeling, like a puppy in a spot of sun on the floor, I begin to think; to lose myself in thoughts of other moments similar to this and then, not aware of my thoughts and steps in the now, I trip over the past.  I begin to depart from the now.

Following memory's trail, I lose my way from this path of 'now'.  Now becomes then and I lose myself in uncontrolled thought.  Rather than being 'here, 'now', I am visiting a time that is relevant no more.  Worries that have long passed; things that have long-ago ended.  Doubts born from fear that have manifested as life lessons that will take three life cycles to learn... I digress.  In this pattern of thinking; the fear of success or abundance; feeling unworthy; I fall off my path...

... like falling from the sky in a lucid dream, I fall from my beautiful path down to the pavement of lower vibrations; judgments, doubts and fears.  This is the dark road where worry lives.  Where Anger, Misunderstanding and Anxiety make furious love to their partners, whose names are 'I can't' and 'You aren't'.

Whenever I walk this road I understand what darkness is.  No flowers grow and no water runs.  There are no smells and there is no laughter.  Nothing is growing but fears and the sounds of angry love, judgments and accusations.  False friendships, torn pictures and broken hearts litter the way. 

So I sit in quiet peace and and reconnect with my path; this is a conscious choice that I make.  The fog begins to clear and out of the rain clouds comes the shine of the sun; it's rays carrying the warmth and the fragrance of that place.  I am aware of what I had forgotten; that no matter where I may go to learn the other things I need to learn, I can always get back home if I follow the beauty; I will always hear the laughter if I'm quiet enough to listen to the now.

Whenever I leave, my path awaits my return... the path on which my soul's soles have walked before.  The path to which the conscious minds of the world are drawn.

Come walk with me.

Now is where life lives. The warmth of words spoken from lips that love; the breath of a baby; a hug that heals. Friends and lovers; abundance and joy.  Appreciate that, right now, you are alive.  Right now, you are love and you are loved.  Right now, you ARE.  BE there with me.  Nothing ends.  Everything is connected.  Pay Attention.


© 2013 Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot.
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