Sunday, April 7, 2013

Come Walk with Me - Part III

Truth: That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality; the quality or state of being true.
Belief: Acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists; something one accepts as true or real.
Appearance:  An impression given by someone or something, although this may be misleading.
Illusion:  A false idea or belief; a deceptive appearance or perception.
Perception: The ability to see, hear or become aware of something through the senses; the state of being aware or becoming aware of something in such a way.
Reality:  The world or state of things as they actually exist.

What would you say if someone told you that the world around you is not solid; that nothing in it is quite as it seems.  Would you look at that person the way the people of Pythagorus' day looked at him when he spoke of the world as being round?  What would you think or say if you learned that the appearance of solidity is just an illusion caused by the inability of our human eyes to register the frequency of the vibrations of the matter we are looking at.  This includes walls, the floor, food and people.  Everything. 

Broken down to the lowest common denominator, we are merely vibrating atoms that are perceived as being in a solid state; much like a film projector buzzes with energy to play a movie of still frames that are being recalled at such a high speed that your eyes encounter the perception of continuous movement; of fluidity. Yet, this is but an illusion.

Human beings are made up of matter. Matter exists in many different states and each state is made of the same thing: tiny vibrating particles called atoms. The nucleus of an atom consists of even tinier particles of light and sound vibration called quarks.  The mostly empty space around the nucleus of the atom contains negatively charged, orbiting particles called electrons.  We refer to these tiny, invisible particles of the whole atom as subatomic. 

The atom fluctuates between two states of being: a solid particle and a wave length.  Put any illusions and perceptions aside, and try to understand the reality of what this truly means. An atom is dual-natured and can exist as solid, or physical; and as wave length, or vibrational. We are made of atoms that have both physical, or vibrational; and ethereal, or light components. We, as human beings, have both physical and ethereal components. This makes sense when we remember that, while we have a physical body that we can touch, there are parts of us that exist and can not be touched.

The Law of Vibration states that everything in the Universe vibrates at one speed, or frequency, or another. Everything. You, me, your dog and my dogs too.  When we investigate matter at the subatomic level we find pure energy. This energy is what we house within our bodies in our chakras, or energy centers; this same energy comes from Source and is what we connect to and pull into our toroidal energy center flow during meditation.  Our visual perception of this vibratory frequency tells us we are solid when, really, we are just small fractals of energy in the energy matrix to which all living things are connected.

Because you can not walk through a wall does not mean that the wall is solid.  It means that the negative charge of the electrons in the atoms of you and the negative charge of the electrons in the atoms of the wall are repelling eachother.  You and the wall are vibrating on different frequencies within the same conscious energy matrix.  You and your dog are vibrating on different frequencies within the same conscious energy matrix. 

The illusion that we are separate from others is just a way of thinking, or a belief but, if you understand that everything is energy; if you consider a new way of thinking about the world around you, you will begin to see that you are connected to the fabric of the Universe by the sea of energy we constntly give and receive. You are the energy of the Universe and that energy and connection to Source recognizes itself in others.  This energy is constantly vibrating; constantly accessing different frequencies and sending and receiving signals.

If someone told you these things would you think that person is crazy?  Perhaps delusional?  If you allowed yourself permission to ponder the once unthinkable, would your belief system be shattered?  If this new thinking resulted in your former belief system no longer winning the favor of your thoughts would you accept that reality, indeed, may not be as it appears. 

Sometimes we choose to be oblivious because it is much easier than finding and facing truth. Sometimes facing the truth is harder than believing the illusion.   Do not be offended by those whose truths are different; rather, understand that their perspectives, or experiences, have been different.  We do not need to defend our truths; no one can take them from us and our defense of them doesn't make them any more true.  Your amazing discoveries exist because you have chosen to discover outside the realm of what you have been taught to believe.
Understand the reality of who and what you are.  You can choose to believe, or not, the history books, reality tv and news media, the government, your priest or preacher, teachers and naysayers alike.  Information from all sources will come to you as part of your human experience in this world and the human contact you experience therein.  This information is necessary and can be a great teacher, and eventually marks the beginning of the questioning that starts your journey for your truth; what's real to you.   

Do not fear  information that is different from that which you have been taught to believe.  Instead, be the sifter of that information.  Keep what helps you vibrate higher and release that which does not serve you. Ask questions.  Chose to view and understand from different perspectives.  Look at the world and the people around you with love and understanding.  Really SEE; be AWARE of the reality of your existence.  Expand your awareness and do not be the blind believers of the things others want you to think.

“If you have a golf ball size Consciousness, when you read a book you will have a golf ball size Understanding; when you look out into the world, a golf ball size awareness; and when you wake up in the morning, a golf ball size Wakefulness.
But if you could EXPAND that Consciousness, when you read a book, MORE Understanding; when you look out, MORE Awareness; and when you wake up, MORE Wakefulness.
And there is an Ocean of Pure Vibrant Consciousness Inside Each One Of Us.”

~ David Lynch
~ Namaste.

© 2013 Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Juanita M. Sims and Conversations with Myself and Others BlogSpot with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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